Selecting game modes at the start of a new game. These modes would be Normal and Kontra (don't have to worry about making people happy).
To gain the full experience of the game, you could of course choose Normal. However, for someone who doesn't want to stop what they're doing to go through a series of chatting that they don't really care about just to make their nobles happy, they could choose the Kontra game mode. Kontra mode plays to the lore of the game. In Kontra mode, your nobles recognize you as a deity and worship you. You still have to woo over newcomers same as the base game, but once someone is in your kingdom you no longer have to worry about making them happy as they will worship you.
I would love this! Maybe their happiness could be based on their prestige only, and not be affected by the more petty things like not liking the materials of their clothes.