
  • updated
  • Considering

Hello everyone!

First I would like to say I love the game and have sunk over 10 hours into the game in the last two days. During that time i have played a few early game kingdoms and have a little bit of feedback :)

1. the ability to skip the intro. I like it but after the first time, I don't enjoy being forced to engage with it.

2. Re-Roll button for the starter group. I like RNG but once in a while it's so bad I have to restart immediately.

3. An Exit button on the king selection when you start playing. Until you choose a leader you can't exit the game.

4. A little less RNG would be nice. I had no one i could effectively use to build with, not being able to make things for so long because of the low ability is really debilitating early on.

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5. Debris from crafting is a little out of hand. The entire room is nasty after crafting 4 items.

Fixed In:

Not sure I agree with low ability starting roll... I personally feel a lot can be accomplished with 2 and under Building


Oh no he did not start with 2. i got him to two, sorry. after like 2+ hours of play.

  • Considering

I'm going to do a pass on progression that should help!