Larger Impact of Rooms
Currently rooms seem to offer only coolness factor and satisfying wants/prestige. Getting into later game and higher crafting (around the point that you start getting room requests), prestige requirements can easily be met by just randomly assigning leftover gear to nobles.
Ignoring nobles requests for rooms doesn't seem to be of a large enough impact to esteem to warrant their more complicated construction. Not sure if the penalty for ignoring wants should be more severe, or the benefit of constructing a room better.
With the fix to nobles automatically socializing as well as higher end food there is really no upkeep required on esteem.
Also nobles don't seem to "prefer" certain rooms, such as a dining hall. They will just as soon eat next to the campfire powering the forge as a T4 Dining room with a hearth.
Just spit balling ideas (also if these already exist then maybe the UI just needs to be clearer):
- Making a workshop increases efficiency of benches or experience gained?
- Dedicated rooms give some sort of stat buff or experience buff? (any esteem "buffs" maybe just tied to the prestige as extra esteem seems unneeded in current state).
- Dining halls tide off hunger longer?
- Maybe expanded room types, watch tower, training hall, throne room.. etc?
Cool - thinking about this one.