Savegames to check potential line of sight issues in combat

  • updated

Here are savegames of an attack on my current build. First one is where enemies are just approaching, second is where they are actually attacking my nobles with ranged weapons but they dont react (starting first save can have different outcomes, had they come to the gate as well and nobles didnt shoot them unless i issued a direct target command as well)

The Castle Fortresses.Save 165_1.octsav.gz
The Castle Fortresses.Save 166.octsav.gz

Edit: So yea, its the RAIDERS line of sight that is totally broken as well. Next attack they climbed up into the castle again and THIS happened (save attached after screenshots):

Image 470

Image 471

The Castle Fortresses.Save 169.octsav.gz

Fixed In:

Antoher situation for this, raiders pelting my nobles with arrows but they cant see them somehow

The Axe Medics.Save 130.octsav.gz

Image 502


Would be super cool if they could see further because they're up there.


Just another screenshot to underline why i think somethings off here: Hey, i am on a tower and can look into the far lands, i just dont see the people crawling up to its base :P They had to come THAT close before they were spotted... (and yea, i know that its hard to see down to the base of a tower if you are up there, but they came from a LONG distance up to it. Not really sure how you can solve that ingame though (or if you should..?)).