Set Combat Role for Nobles to lock secondary auto-selection options.
When dealing with large kingdoms, having Nobles auto choose belongings is a must for sanity. However, when this happens some nobles that have a better skill or affinity with a certain combat role will pick up the opposing secondary if it matches based on rules set. For instance, a Melee: 6++ Ranged: 2-- might pick up a bow because it is the highest quality/prestige secondary that has buffs for all their favorite / assigned jobs.
This isn't helpful, seeing as most of the time you wont realize it happened until you need them to have the correct secondary equipped, or will require constant vigilance which is not fun.
My suggestion is to give me the ability to assign a combat role (ranged/melee) to a noble which would then make them only pick up a secondary that matches their combat assignment. For melee nobles it would be neat if I was given the further option to specialize them based on what melee secondary I want them to carry (grappling/shields/rams/etc).
Aye - this is a solid suggestion - been dealing this myself. Not sure the exact form yet, but ya, some kind of rule or role is needed here.