Gods and Religion


Using the noble template, generate several gods when the world is created, giving each a power, blessing, jinx and curse.

-god live in the kingdom of pantheon and will gossip with each other

-each god has likes and dislikes as standard

-the quality and nature of a gods temple/shrine will impact their opinion of the kingdom and thus its mortals

Several types of rituals: sacrifice item, animal, mortals, just prayer.

-good gods hate mortal sacrifice evil prefer it etc...

-knowing what a gods favorite food is an easy way to make them happier with you

A gods opinion of mortals starts at a neutral who are you? but changes with interaction

-if a god likes a mortal they will give that mortal the minor form of their blessing, loved mortals get the greater form

-if a god dislikes a mortal they will jinx that mortal, hated mortals are cursed.

One mortal per kingdom may be a priest

-priests maintain the temples and shrines to the gods.

-priests may use powers of gods that like them, loving gods grant the greater form of their power

-priests may preform rituals to influence a gods opinions or request blessing or curse upon a target.

--perhaps get them to lift or at least lessen a curse

-gods can be conversed with by priests via their temple/shrine even when they aren't visiting

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