Excess gear that nobles discard should become available for all/return to belongings

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So when you give a noble new gear, he puts that on but the old stuff stays in his belonging and still counts to his prestige i think (but gets put somewhere and is not carried by him anymore). I know i could just take it away, but that would give an esteem debuff, and i am not sure that makes sense tbh.

How about they instead return it to the (main-)gearstorage and it gets removed from his belongings and is available for other nobles to be equipped?

Or are there any reasons for this behaviour i dont see?

Fixed In:

The esteem hit for taking gear away is relative to their total prestige - if you've just given them something more valuable, it should be minor and go away quickly. It's intended that they can own more than they can wear, and that you would take things you want to redistribute away. We're planning a pass on the positive/negative debuffs for belonging management soon.


Ok yea, i just got why it is as it is for another reason - if you give them lower-prestige gear with buffs but they want a fancier piece, you can give them that and still make them prefer the lower prestige thing..... makes sense

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