Bard/Minstrel/Writer/Learner Job + Bookcase upgrade

  • updated
  • Considering

First, the simple part of this, the bookcase. With this upgrade there is the possibility to change the Décor Bookshelf to act more like shelves that specifically that could then store scrolls/books of various "prestige." Also could create a "Library" Room from this too.

Second is the ability to create Knowledge Scrolls as well as the ability to read them via the Bard/Minstrel/Writer/Learner Job(Bard) as this would more-less act as the workers ability to reading comprehension. In theory, this would allow those low level newbies to more quickly advance in your more advanced kingdom. The better the mortal is at the job the more prestige the scroll/book has and thus the more the mortal that reads it can increase their skill. I'd imagine, for balance, these scrolls are consumables. Though, perhaps there are chances for rare/epic that have more than one use.

Note that the skill learned shouldn't be addictive but more of a boost "up to" an amount. Thus if you have a Logging Scroll of Prestige 4 somebody that is already Skill 4+ won't get anything out of it. However, if somebody is 0 they could learn anywhere from 0-4 skills in that job from reading that scroll. If they read it once and gain 1 skill (and if the scroll has more uses?) they can read it again. Reading a scroll should take hour(s).

An example of how this could possibly work is that the person with the skill could "interview" or "watch" another mortal that's performing a task and then create a scroll with a knowledge boost.

Rough examples of calculations (take this part with a grain of salt as I don't know what would be right for balance purposes and, more importantly, I suck at math):

Bard creating a scroll:
((BardJobSkill + WorkerJobSkill)/2) * (randomMinMax(X,Y) * BardJobSkill) = Prestige Value.
((5 + 5)/2)*(0.1*5) = Scroll of Logging (5 Prestige) 
A worker reading the scroll:
LoggingScrollsPrestige * (randomMinMax(X,Y) * BardJobSkill(of the worker)) = Skill Level Learned
5 * (0.4 * 2) = Logging skill increased UP TO 4. 

An additional use of a "bard" is performing to help boost comfort. Plus also opens up crafting Lyres and such!

I'm sure there is various issues I didn't think about so feel free to comment below with suggestions/tweaks.

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